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4-Wheel Spinners Vs 2-Wheel Rolling Luggage

4-Wheel Spinners Vs 2-Wheel Rolling Luggage

What type of rolling luggage should you choose? There are advantages and disadvantages to each type of suitcase. How you like to travel and where you are going will determine to a large extent if 4-wheel or 2-wheel luggage suits your trip.

Answering a few simple questions can help you decide which is the right bag for you.

  1. Ease of Mobility

What type of surface will your bag be rolling over? Does your itinerary include cobblestone streets and hilly terrain or are you rushing through large airports with a carry-on?

  1. Weight

How lightweight do you want your bag to be? How much do you plan on packing and are you able to pull your bag behind you? Do you need to stack extra bags? 

  1. Interior space and exterior dimensions

Do you need maximum packing space? What are the size restrictions for your airline carrier? Are you checking your bag or carrying it on the plane?


 So which one should you choose?

 When 4-wheel spinner luggage is best

Very little effort is needed to maneuver the suitcase. The ground supports the weight of the bag so you can push or pull it with one finger! This is especially helpful if you suffer from back or shoulder problems. A Spinner rolls best on flat surfaces like at the airport terminal and its 360-degree mobility is ideal for gliding through the narrow aisle to your airplane seat. A spinner is practically guaranteed to never tip over, even when you stack extra bags on top of it. It is recommended for elderly travelers, heavier suitcases or travelling with a family. The smaller spinner wheels can be more fragile and add some height and weight to the suitcase.

When 2-wheeled luggage is best 

If you’re rushing to catch a plane or pulling your suitcase up and down stairs and over uneven terrain, the 2-wheel design is a better option. The suitcase tends to be lighter with larger, sturdier, protected wheels that are recessed and don't protrude, providing a better fit in the overhead bin of the airplane. And the bag won’t roll away from you when you’re on an incline! There’s a bit more packing space but it can tip if overloaded.

 4-Wheeled Suitcase

samsonite firelite

  • Effortless 360 degree mobility on smooth surfaces, wheels swivel in all directions
  • Stable, won’t tip over
  • Easy to stack extra bags
  • Glides easily down narrow aircraft aisle
  • No weight to pull or push
  • Wheels generally add height and weight

 2-Wheeled Suitcase

eagle creek tarmac

  • Rolls forward faster and better on uneven terrain
  • More interior packing space
  • Fits better into overhead bin on airplane
  • Larger recessed wheels are sturdier and more protected from damage
  • Generally lighter weight
  • Won’t roll away
  • Can tip if overloaded
  • Shoulders, arms and back support more of the weight
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Caroline - November 20, 2016

definitivement la 4 roues pour la facilité de mobilité

ALamelu SUndaram - November 20, 2016

I love the 2 wheel and the 4 wheel and soft duffles

Liana - November 20, 2016

I prefer the 4 wheel. I can have it rolling along beside me instead of having to drag it behind me. If you wish you can also use it as a 2 wheeler.

Annie FIset - November 20, 2016

Je préfère 2 roues, plus robuste, habituelle plus légère et plus facile à rouler lorsque la valise est très lourde

Mary Lou - November 19, 2016

My travel experience now says 2 wheels are best, especially when flying. My 2 wheel carry on saved the day when it “just fit” into the overhead bin of a small regional plane. A 4 wheel carry on wouldn’t have. That convinced me!

Janet Cameron - November 19, 2016

I am an older woman usually traveling solo, and requiring the use of a rolling walker in order to be mobile. I much prefer a 4 – wheeler or spinner type of suitcase. I have discovered that I can manoeuvre my walker and, with the spinner, push both the walker handle and suitcase on
my right hand as one, and even, if necessary, put an elastic fastener around the two handles and away I go! This doesn’t work with a two – wheeler but it sure makes life much easier, especially in large airports where a lot of walking is required.

Lambert - November 19, 2016

Je préfère les valises à 4 roues parce que plus maniable et moins exigeant pour le dos.

Diane Leclerc - November 18, 2016

De toute évidence les valises avec 2 bonnes roues sont beaucoup plus solides. De plus les valises Eagle creek avec leurs 2 bonnes roues sont très faciles à manoeuvrer.

Jennifer Turner - November 18, 2016

At my age I prefer a 4 wheeler. I have an easier time pushing it sometimes other than pulling. I am able to put a carry on bag on it without falling off.

Lortie Josée - November 17, 2016

Je préfère nettement une valise à 4 roues surtout depuis que les compagnies font des valises plus solides comme celle que j’ai de Eagle

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